
Monday, January 25, 2016

The ABC’s of ME Part 2

Ice Cream

Mint chocolate chip!!  My absolute favorite flavor of all time.  I love taking my kids to Baskin Robbins, especially during those warm summer nights.  Sitting outside, while we talk and my kids share anything and everything that is on their minds, is even better than the ice cream!

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and for that Christmas is my favorite holiday.  It absolutely must make my ABC’s of me.

My second home.  The place that first opened its doors to me as a teacher.  I am forever grateful for every student that has crossed my path.  I am blessed to know them.  And I am a better person for the people I have worked with and met, and continue meeting during my Knowles experience.
Lilapsophobia: Fear of Tornadoes
At one point in time, I wanted to be a storm chaser.  The job seemed exciting, and fun.  Never a dull moment with this career.  Then I remembered that when the wind blows just a little too hard, and the sky darkens just a little too much, I get this weird feeling in my chest and I can’t breathe so well.  So maybe, storm chasing wasn’t for me.  You never know, maybe one day.
; )

My hobbies include reading, writing, and watching movies.  I can watch the same movie over and over again, and never grow tired of it.  There are movies I watch when I want a good cry, and movies I watch when I need some comfort.  I used to watch an inspirational teaching movie every Sunday to get me ready for the work week.  Among my list, was Coach Carter, Freedom Writer’s, Lean on me, and Dangerous Minds. I have since let the habit go, but need to get back because I know there are several “teaching movies” I have not seen yet.   
No Worries
These two little words slip out of my mouth quite often I have noticed.  Regardless of whether I actually mean them or not.  I need to be better about distinguishing when I actually mean, “hey that’s ok, don’t worry about it,” or when I really have been hurt and need to address the issue.
Oatmeal is my comfort food.  It reminds me of my grandma.  She likes to make sure everyone is fed and full.  If she offers you something to eat, you say yes.  The first time.  Its as simple as that.  Either way, you will end up giving in, because she does not stop asking until you finally eat.  Growing up, oatmeal was a bedtime snack.  It was warm and toasty, and perfect way to end the day.
Puerto Rico
My favorite vacation of all time!  The summer before my senior year of college my dad surprised my whole family with a trip.  I was extremely excited after seeing pictures of the beautiful place, but I was also nervous because it was the first time I had ever gotten on a plane.  After the short flight from Austin to Dallas, and several tears and panic attacks during that 45 minute ride, I was able to calm down and enjoy our trip.

To be continued….


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